The Indian Waters Council (formerly Central South Carolina Council ) has owned four camp properties is its history. Camp Barstow, made possible from the generous donations of William S. Barstow, was first located in Richland County on land that is now a part of Fort Jackson. That camp location operated from 1930 to 1940. The second location of Camp Barstow was located near Gaston in Lexington County and operated more than 50 years from 1942 to 1995. The third and current location of Camp Barstow is in Saluda County on Lake Murray. That location opened in 1995, with the first summer camp program held there in 1996. The fourth camp property owned by the council was Camp Brownlee, in Lexington County. Camp Brownlee was a camp for back Scouts during segregation and operated from 1947 – 1969.
The map below shows the relative locations of these properties within the council territory.