On October 1-2, 2011, the Indian Waters Council held its first Leave No Trace (LNT) Trainer Certification course in more than a decade. LNT Master Educator and Council Advocate Bruce Cannon was the course director. Other Trainers were Bob Cope, Bob Smith II, and Tripp Clark, all graduates of the first and only prior course in our council, held in 2001. Twenty six Scouts and Scouters completed the course, including two Scouters from the Sequoyah Council in Tennessee.
BSA Resources for LNT can be found HERE.
The Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics homepage is HERE.
Charlie Thorpe’s “E-Mail from the Backwoods” is found HERE.
Download a PDF roster of all instructors and participants, with their contact information, HERE (file is password protected) revised 10/4/2011