The next Camp Staff Reunion will be held Saturday, June 7, 2025 at Camp Barstow. Embracing our new, larger Indian Waters Council, this Reunion event will be a gathering of summer camp staff member from all of the BSA camps in our council territory, past and present . . . Camp Barstow, Camp Brownlee, Camp Coker, and Camp Inpaco. All staff alumni from these camps are welcome and encouraged to attend. Details are to come, and will be posted here.

Camp Barstow Staff Reunion 2021
Over 150 current and former Camp Barstow staff members gathered to celebrate Camp Barstow on June 19, 2021. Camaraderie and fellowship dominated the day which also featured camp tours and amazing memorabilia displays. The pinnacle of the day was a banquet-style luncheon, catered by Shealy’s Barbecue, and with featured speaker Joe Turner, former Camp Barstow Program Director. The exact date for the next Reunion is not finalized, but we expect that it will be in June 2025 and expect that information will be available here and on the Camp Barstow Staff Facebook Group.

Final Reminders > 2021 Staff Reunion
June 14, 2021
We are expecting about 150 people for the Camp Barstow Staff Reunion this Saturday. Below are several details to be aware of:
COVID-19 Precautions
For the health and safety of all participants, the following precautions and recommendations will be observed. Registered participants experiencing a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19 or other transmittable condition should stay at home and not attend the Reunion. Upon arrival at check-in, a temperature check will be done on all participants. Individuals with an elevated temperature will not be able to participate. The dining hall will be set up for and limited to 60% of capacity (210). When inside the dining hall or other building or in close proximity to others, participants who have not been vaccinated or who otherwise are at increased risk are encouraged to wear a face covering. Face coverings are available for those who desire one.
Dress / Uniform
For participants who are currently involved in Scouting or who otherwise own a properly sized uniform, that is the appropriate dress for the event. Many participants, perhaps most participants, will not have this, so casual camp clothing is appropriate. A Camp Barstow t-shirt, if you have one, might be a nice touch! Remember, it is June at Camp Barstow, so it will be warm, and in the late morning /early afternoon, it may even be hot.
Vehicles in camp
When we gather for the Reunion this Saturday, summer camp will have officially begun (even though no campers will be in camp at the time) and the camp must operate under National NCAP Standards. With this comes strict enforcement of no unauthorized vehicles in camp. All participants should park in the camp parking lot. For those who are unable to walk to the dining hall and pavilion, which will be the hub for our activities, know that we will have two golf carts offering periodic shuttles from the parking lot to the dining hall from 9:30 – 10:00 AM.
Check-in will begin at 9:30 AM. If possible, please plan to arrive between 9:30 and 10:00 AM. We hope to be able to close the check-in by 10:30 so that those who volunteered to help with check-in can also enjoy the Reunion activities. Upon arrival at camp, everyone should park in the main parking lot. Adjacent to the camp office, near the footbridge, we will have temperature screening as part of our health and safety COVID-19 precautions. After clearing this screening, you will proceed to the dining hall for check-in. Here we will record your attendance, give you a copy of the printed program, and give you any t-shirts or patches that you pre-ordered.
Trading Post
We have asked the Camp Director to have the Trading Post open for a couple of hours in the morning, so if you would like to pick up some Camp Barstow swag, stop by the Trading Post prior to the time we gather for group photos. In addition to the camp trading post, we also will have available a small number of 2021 Reunion patches (about 50 remain of 200 made) available for $5 each, and just 2 remaining Reunion t-shirts (one each 2X and 3X). These will be available first come, first served.
Group Photos
At every prior Staff Reunion (2005, 2010, and 2015) we have taken group photos. We will do the same again this year. While the council ring provides an excellent stage for group pictures, mobilizing everyone to that location takes quite a bit of time, so this year we will take the pictures in the parade field in front of the camp totem poles. We will take at least 3 pictures — one of all participants at the Reunion, one of the 2021 staff, and one of all Camp Directors and Program Directors present. Every past or present staff member should be there for the group photos. Everyone should assemble under the Pavilion before 11:45 for the pictures, please. The group photos will be available after the Reunion for free download or for purchase as prints and other items.
Memorabilia & Photos
We will have a few tables set up in the dining hall and/or pavilion for the display of Camp Barstow memorabilia and photos. I plan to bring a display of most of the past Camp Barstow patches, plus several photos. Brad Hutto is bringing a beautiful display of Camp Barstow belt buckles. If you have something that you think others might have an interest in seeing, please consider bringing it and displaying it.
Reunion Program & Luncheon
A copy of the program for the event is available HERE. You will receive a printed copy at check-in. Note that our menu for lunch, catered by Shealy’s BBQ, is BBQ pork, fried chicken, rice, hash, milk gravy, string beans, corn, slaw, rolls and tea.
After the Event
We expect the lunch and program to conclude about 2:00. When it ends, it would be appreciated if a few folks can help to clean up the dining hall and prepare it for the first week of campers who will be arriving the next day. With many hands helping, this should not take long. After this, even though the event is over, if anyone wants to stick around and look around the camp a bit more is welcome to do so.
Directions to Camp Barstow
The physical address for Camp Barstow is 117 Camp Barstow Dr, Batesburg, SC 29006.
For those coming from the West
From I-26, take the Prosperity exit (exit 82) into Prosperity. Depart Prosperity (South) on SR-391. Stay on 391 for about 11 miles. You will cross over Lake Murray twice. Turn Right (West) onto Mt. Willing Rd. SR 42 59. You will see a brown sign directing you to Camp Barstow. Stay on Mt Willing Rd. SR42 59 for 2.8 miles.Turn Right onto Collum Landing Rd. at the Camp Barstow sign. Turn Right onto Ruby Riser Rd. Parking area is on the left.
For those coming from the East
From Lexington, head west on US-378 / US-1.
When US-1 and US-378 split, stay Right on US-378. Stay on US-378 for 17.5 miles until you arrive at the Saluda Traffic Circle. From the traffic circle, take your first Right onto US-391 (North) toward Prosperity.Travel on US-391 for 1.6 miles. Turn Left onto Mt. Willing Rd. SR 42 59. You will see a brown sign directing you to Camp Barstow. Stay on Mt. Willing Rd. SR42 59 for 2.8 miles. Turn Right onto Collum Landing at the Camp Barstow sign.Turn Right onto Ruby Riser Rd. Parking area is 1 mile on the left.
Invitation Letters & Registration Forms Mailed Out
May 6, 2021
More than 700 letters were mailed out today to the Camp Barstow Staff Alumni for whom we have mailing addresses. There are many staff alumni for whom we do not have mailing addresses, and no doubt many were sent to addresses which are no longer correct. If you are a current or former Camp Barstow summer camp staff member and do not receive a letter in the mail, you can get a copy HERE.
Sponsorships requested for Staff Reunion
April 27, 2021
The Staff Reunion is occurring at the conclusion of Staff Week for the 2021 summer camp staff. Appropriately, there is no charge for attendance by 2021 summer camp staff, but there is, or course, the expense of the meal (approximately $14 after tax). Therefore, we are requesting that alumni consider “sponsoring” one or more 2021 summer camp staff member by donating an optional $14 when registering. There is a separate line item available in the registration form for this additional gift. There are approximately 60 members of the 2021 Camp Barstow Summer Camp Staff. Thank you for your consideration.
Registration now open for Staff Reunion
April 16, 2021
Register today! You can register online today for the June 19 staff reunion. The cost is just $20 for staff alumni and their guests. There is no cost for 2021 Camp Barstow summer camp staff. You can register online at At this same link, you can also purchase limited edition Reunion patches (just 200 made) and/or Reunion t-shirts. The deadline for shirt orders is June 1 and the deadline for registrations is June 10, however early registration is greatly appreciated as it helps us to properly plan for the event.
For those unfamiliar with the BlackPug online registration system, we have prepared a step-by-step instruction guide to walk you through the online registration. You can download a copy HERE.

Joe Turner to be keynote speaker at Reunion
April 16, 2021
We are excited to announce that our keynote speaker for our lunch during the June 19 staff reunion will be Joe Turner.
Eagle Scout Joe Turner served on Camp Barstow Staff from 1966 to 1971, serving the last four of those six years as Program Director and Chief of Staff. A Vigil member of the Order of the Arrow, Turner also served for two years as Muscogee Lodge Chief.
After receiving both his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Clemson, Joe served as Executive Secretary of the Clemson IPTAY Club where he led efforts to raise over $26 million for Clemson University. Joe went on to serve as CEO of First Sun Management Corp., one of the nation’s largest Wendy’s restaurant franchisees, managing over 50 restaurants in South Carolina and Georgia.
Despite his demanding career, Joe continued to actively support Scouting as an adult, serving in various roles including Roundtable Commissioner, Blue Ridge Council Executive Board Member and President, and Southeast Region Board.
Joe maintains that not a week goes by without him thinking of the huge impact that Camp Barstow had on his life.

Caterer confirmed
Make sure to loosen your belt before coming to Camp Barstow on June 19. We are pleased to announce that our lunch will be catered by locally famous Shealy’s Barbecue!

Camp Barstow Staff Alumni: complete the simple form below to help us ensure that we have your current contact information to notify you about the Staff Reunion and other Barstow Staff news.
Click HERE to download the Staff Directory. Password is required to open the file.
Many people have asked to view the history video that shown at the banquet during the 2015 Staff Reunion. It is available HERE